Happy birthday. I love you.
I love your appreciation for the world around you. I love the excitement and the wonder I see in your eyes when you are studying someone else's sculpture or creating your own. You inspire me, and I love that about you.
These we did together. Can you tell which one is mine? |
This is the sculpture he is working on currently. |
This one remains unfinished. The message he wanted to portray with it has changed over the years, and he doesn't quite know what he wants to do with it next. |
He understands the work it takes to create something like this, and admires every detail. |
I love your compassion. For me. For your kids and grandkids. For strangers. For your family. For my family. For animals. I love that you try to understand and have empathy for everyone.
We took his grandkids hiking this summer. I love watching him them. |
Classic BJ and Grandson J moment. BJ is teaching him multiplication and division. I was just super excited I had the camera out and could catch it. |
I love your sense of humor. Mostly, I love that you find humor in the same things I do... and you think I'm funny and clever, even when most people think I'm weird.You laugh with me, and I love that about you.
I love your appreciation for learning. I love that you read and study and learn as much as you can about everything. I love that you let me teach you about how an orchestra works, and that you have been to rehearsals and seen how they work. I love the conversations we have about science, philosophy, religion, politics, money, business, and everything else. I learn a lot from you, and I love that about you.
I love your appreciation for nature. You seem joyful when you are fishing or riding horses. You can stop and look at every flower, plant, bug, or animal track with me. You get excited about all of the new places you can go and all of the new things you can see. Your joy makes me feel joyful, and I love that about you.
I love that you don't make fun of me for being me. You've never criticized the way I dress, the way I talk, the things I love, the way I dance, the struggles I've had. Even in my craziest moments, I feel loved by you.
I love you. I am glad I know you. I am glad you are a part of my life today.