
Monday, September 5, 2011

Sunday Solicitors

The deacons came by the house this morning. Asking for money. They've come by before - I've always told them I'm not interested, and they've left.The little guy this morning was rather pushy. He kept shoving the blue envelope at me even after I said I wasn't interested and went to close the door.

That got me thinking.
As an active member of the church, if anyone else had come to my door, asking for money, on a Sunday afternoon, I would have been really upset. Door to door soliciting? On a Sunday? How dare they?

Why is it okay to send the little boys out begging for money if they're asking for money for the church?
How is that any different than going door to door for work?
Why is it okay to do it to bring in money for the church, but not to support my family?
Why is it okay to write a check for THIS pushy kid, but not the one selling coupons or car washes?

Or, why is it when I wanted to go volunteer at a soup kitchen or shelter on Sunday afternoon, I was told Sundays were a day of rest and worship, and that wasn't an appropriate Sunday activity?

These are the things I think about when I can't sleep.


  1. Are the deacons from the LDS Church? I have never had anyone come to my door asking for money for a Church before.

  2. Yes. Deacons are from the LDS church. 12 year old boys (mostly). I think they might only do it in Utah, and I'm pretty sure they are only supposed to go to members' houses.

    The idea is that on the first day of the month, members skip two meals and give the money they would have spent on food for themselves to the church, which then gives it to the poor.

    The boys come around with blue envelopes and you put your offerings in, and then they take it back to the clerk who takes care of the money...

    It's not a bad system - I just found it ironic.

  3. I don't know why they do it. They do only do it in Utah, I know that much. I'm assuming because they don't actually expect people to pay it on their own for some reason. It's also really weird that it's the only thing in the church to my knowledge where they are sent out by themselves.

    Also, be aware that it takes 20 minutes to do fast offerings so it's not like it's actual work. I did it on my way home from church and got a ride back, or I walked home first and did on my way back. Also, keep in mind that I'm pretty sure that money is the main funding of their welfare system, so it's kind of nice.

    I can't imagine anyone ever saying that you can't go do those things on Sunday. I don't want to, I'm lazy and I honestly really appreciate not having to do anything on Sundays, but by no stretch is it ever really a day of rest, it's a day of the lord and I feel it should be spent honoring him in whatever way you feel is best. Including supporting your family if that's what needs to be done. The church feels that it's by sending out 12 year olds to collect the moneys. I feel it's spending time with my family, doing home teaching, and sleeping as much as possible.

    Those are my 47 cents(I was going to say 2 cents, but decided to add inflation into it, and that's my totally random guess of what 2 cents would be worth now as opposed to 70 years ago.)

  4. Jus - you made me laugh. "47 cents"

    I do appreciate fast offerings. The welfare system is actually a very impressive one. (I would still donate to the cause, except that I don't want anyone to know I'm here. I might have to deal with VT and HT and I don't want them.)

    I guess I just saw irony in it, and I want to know WHY they think that is the best way? Why do they send kids out? Are the people that unwilling to give that they send kids out to make sure? These are all things I have never questioned before - it was just the way things were done.

    I like Sundays being a day to follow my heart. Working, hiking, riding, fishing, reading, serving, going to church to hear my brother sing, or whatever... It's awesome!

  5. I'm fascinated that someone told you that you couldn't volunteer at a soup kitchen on Sunday. I volunteered at a soup kitchen once on a Sunday as part of a church activity. I definitely think that any kind of service is exactly what the Lord would want us doing on the sabbath.

    To Justin's comment, they actually do send them out two by two now, at least in my ward. I don't know if that's a new church wide policy or if that's just how my ward does it but we definitely did it by ourselves when I was little.

    Also, two cents 70 years ago would be worth $0.31 today. I found a handy dandy little inflation calculator at

  6. It was my last bishop. He said that soup kitchens and other service outside of the church took away from the Lord's work. He also pointed out that the "homecoming parties" were wrong, because it was the work to cook, so "working" at a soup kitchen would be like that. It confused and upset me, and I argued with him. I told him the Lord's work was to love people... However they need to be loved (without taking away from my own needs).

    I appreciate the inflation calculator. I love you my geeky brother!!!
