“Cultures that use ritual and shamans to heal trauma may seem primitive and superstitious, but they have one important advantage – they address the problem directly. These cultures openly acknowledge the need to heal when someone (JUST ONE!) in their community has been overwhelmed. Most modern cultures, including, ours, fall victim to the prevailing attitude that strength means endurance; that it is somehow heroic to be able to carry on regardless of the severity of our symptoms. A majority of us accept this social custom with no question. Using our neo-cortex, our ability to rationalize, it is possible to give the impression that one has come through a severely threatening event, even a way, with “nary a scratch”; and that’s exactly what many of us do. We carry on, much to the admiration of others – heroes, as if nothing happened at all.It is interesting reading "an expert" saying something I have felt inside for a long time. It is hard for me to not "be strong" and "carry on as if nothing happened at all." It feels like that is what I SHOULD do, but I am not able to do... I came to the conclusion a long time ago that the reason I am not able, is because I am destined for great things. I will not be able to do the work I am supposed to do if I am shut off from myself (and in turn the Spirit).
By encouraging us to be superhuman, these social mores do great injustice to the individual AND THE SOCIETY. If we attempt to move ahead with our lives, without first yielding to the gentler urges that will guide us back through these harrowing experiences, then our show of strength becomes little more than illusion. In the meantime, the traumatic effects will grow steadily more severe, firmly entrenched, and chronic.
Real heroism comes from having the courage to openly acknowledge one’s experiences, not from suppressing or denying them.” (p. 62)
So many people have told me how awesome it is that I am so happy and so positive even though I was going through tough times. (You are so amazing, I never would have guessed... Wow, you are doing so much, you have so much energy, blah, blah blah...)
Real heroism comes from having the courage to openly acknowledge my experiences, and then move through them to become the person I am meant to become.
I agree. It's important to deal with experiences and not just "heroically" ignore them.